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  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -   edited March 24
    the truth be told, is that racism is inherent in all people, and the reasons are differences; what differences they be are just excuses and reasons to justify a behaviorism that has been with humans since ancient times. Racism may be a relativity new word, but the actual reasoning is not. We discriminate because the differences in others. Studies have shown that even lower animals do the same, although of course, with out the thought processes that humans have that we use to justify it. Racism evolved to what it is today because ancient people shunned and fought those who were different than them, it is a survival process to keep the tribe intact. Also, what i said to allett, stands. Regardless if the writer is a lefty, he assumes that the list, is wrong because of it, without showing proof it is not true. Most if not all that list can be verified, for the majority of it was live television from trumps own words. Other than that, what ever you are in the hospital for, i hope you get better. @Bogan
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    Hi maxx.
    Your last post to me wash simply an interesting opinion about racism.     First you tell me that everybody does it, then you IMPLY that this is somehow a bad thing.   I can only conclude that you feel that I am backing you into a corner, so you are creating a misdirection in the hope that you can lead me away from where you fear to tread?

    One reason why I think that you know I am cornering you, is that you once again refused to answer a crucial question that I politely asked you.    I can tell a lot more about my opponents thinking from the questions they dodge, than anything they say, maxx

    Here is the problem, maxx.   Western civilisation, my civilisation and your civilisation, is in real trouble.    What is causing our crime rates to rise to levels undreamed of 100 years ago has to be identified and addressed rationally before our societies become just as dysfunctional as Haiti.

    There are many causes for our societal disintegration, but one important one is that western society refuses to acknowledge that some ethnicities are always a problem.    And the reason for that is because races are not equal.    Dysfunctional races are that way because they have a collective bell curve of IQ much lower than for functional races.    And, because they have a genetic proneness for violence at a much higher rate than for other races.

    The foundation of democracy is freedom of speech.    A free people must be able to vote for politicians who will implement policies for the common good.   And those free people must be free to discuss any subject which will affect their lives personally.    But this overriding principle of freedom of speech is being violated in every western country where maintaining some semblance of social cohesion is considered more important than speaking the truth

    The degree to which the inconvenient truth is being suppressed is mind blowing
    Canada is proposing that people like me should be jailed for life.    Scotland wants to make racist thoughts a Thoughtcrime .    Ireland is thinking along the same way.    In Australia, our Council For Civil Liberties and Human Rights is the very agency which will prosecute anyone who even suggests that races may not be equal

    And you, maxx are a part of the forces destroying your own civilisation.     Although you have never come right out and claimed that you support CRT., it is something which you obviously do support.    If you want to blame my race and your race for the genetic problems of other races, then all I can do is to show how you are wrong and get you to start thinking straight.

    People can alway be relied upon to think straight when the world turns to shiit and they run out of excuses trying to defend the principles they have cherished for so long, which got them there in the first place.  You are not ready to think straight yet, but hopefully you are beginning to realise that the belief system that was inculcated into your youthful mind is insufficient to explain why the world you and your future family wish to live in is going belly up.

    Here is a social experiment that you can observe over the next ten years to test your own belief system.    It is obvious that Haiti is ungovernable so most of its population is going to flee to the USA because of the Democratic Partys open border policy.    Wherever these people settle in the USA , all they are going to do is recreate Haiti, only this time you and your family will be footing the bill for their upkeep.

    South America, although richer in resources then North America, is, and always will be a shiithole.    All that Hispanic immigration into the USA will achieve is to steadily make North America a copy of South America.    When you have ruined your own country because you want to avert your eyes from what you just do not want to see, where will you run to to get away from the dysfunctional people you champion,  but prefer to keep at arms length,  maxx?

  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    i was going to ask you and elaborate on something. You once said not all blacks were bad in your opinion, however; you still seem to collectively discriminate to them . First your reason, lower intellect, violence, and blame. very well, let is dissect this. Status wise, one black family is not much different at all than the same white family.  For instance, take, a well off white and black family. The men may go to the office, the wife takes care of the family; maybe jogging, eat lunch with her friends; the kids go to school, perhaps sports, and so on. Now let us pull 2 separate families from the ghettos; one black, one white. They are very poor, on government assistance, both probably have abusive, alcoholic fathers. Kids on drugs, run with gangs, rob to support their drug habit, fight and so on. not much difference at all individually, now is there? so individually, we have 2 of your reasons that you have against blacks, kids with low intellect, and violence. Now who do you think this white family will blame for their woes? the white society, the power that they have over them. There is your third reason. So it seems to me, based on these reasons, you should be just as prejudiced against certain whites as well; which leads me to believe, you are collectively racist to blacks as a whole, since you are not individually, nor racist to the same kind of whites. Am i correct ?@Bogan
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1128 Pts   -  
    Because Biden was not guided by principles but instead sought to engage in Jew-hate driven policies to appease the large number of anti-Jew bigots in the Democrat party.
  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    ah.. do you really think that trump like jews? @just_sayin
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1128 Pts   -  
    maxx said:
    ah.. do you really think that trump like jews? @just_sayin
    Well, I know the Jewish nation of Israel named a city after Trump.  So, they certainly think Trump likes them.
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    Typical maxx debating tactics.

    1.   Never answer any question put to you.
    2.    Always start your reply with a $64,000 dollar leading question to your opponent.
    Regardless of race, du- mb people who are violent are the primary problem in every western democratic society.    Unfortunately, the proportions of people who have low IQ and a genetic predisposition to violent behaviour, differs glaringly from race to race.

    However, this easily understood fact is denied by the socialist left because it contradicts their "all humans are equal" narrative.    Since an explanation is needed to explain away the fact that in competitive Western societies, certain ethnicities just can't cut it, the Left is proposing the rather wacky ide that it's all the white  guys fault.

    This is pushed by the Lef as the only possible reason for minority dysfunction because the Left has abandoned its traditional white, working class electorate and it sees more electoral advantage in supporting the ever growing numbers of dysfunctional minority voters in Western democratic societies.

    This is why the Left supports open borders.    It is also why the Left will violate the foundation of democracy by opposing free speech.   No valid criticism of their new electorate can be tolerated.

    Just as in Russia, North Korea, Cuba, or China, the political elites,  oligarchs,  big business and their senior Leftist allies, who are mainly senior public servants, simply do not care if their own nations turn into third world shiitholes, provided that they remain at the top of the pyramid, with all the money, power, and young girls that their tongues can handle
  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    wwell, considering that you have not answered my questions, i believe we are even. i am sure we both realize we will not get anywhere with continuation. @Bogan
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    What are you complaining about?   You NEVER answer mine.    And you are fleeing because I am all over you like a rash.

    Your humanitarian ideology is bankrupt logically.    All of the trouble that we are seeing today in Europe, the USA, and Australia is because people like you refused to listen to people like me.    Things are just going to get worse and worse until eventually, you will have to realise that your "all races are equal" ideology is wrong.

  • maxx said:
    the truth be told, is that racism is inherent in all people, and the reasons are differences; what differences they be are just excuses and reasons to justify a behaviorism that has been with humans since ancient times. Racism may be a relativity new word, but the actual reasoning is not. We discriminate because the differences in others. Studies have shown that even lower animals do the same, although of course, with out the thought processes that humans have that we use to justify it. Racism evolved to what it is today because ancient people shunned and fought those who were different than them, it is a survival process to keep the tribe intact. Also, what i said to allett, stands. Regardless if the writer is a lefty, he assumes that the list, is wrong because of it, without showing proof it is not true. Most if not all that list can be verified, for the majority of it was live television from trumps own words. Other than that, what ever you are in the hospital for, i hope you get better. @Bogan

    Evidence that racisim in inherent in all please? also, please elaborate on this bit @maxx. This to me sounds like language f*cking. And it's this misuse of language exhibited by far leftists SJCs that often give leverage to the far right fundamentalists.  

  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    To Zues.
    Maxx is right.    Human beings are tribal and territorial and that is part of our DNA.     I myself was once a staunch anti racist , until I realised that the most prominent anti racists were very racist.    They were extremely racist towards white people, who just happened to be my people  and probably your people.

    Another factor in the whole racist hypocrisy was expressed by the Jews.    No other race in history has suffered more from racism than the Jews.    In my own country, many prominent Jews are loudly anti racist, and support a non discriminatory immigration policy into Australia.    But these same people support the exclusively Jewish state of Israel which itself has a  racially discriminatory immigration policy.
    So, it is all hypocrisy.    Everybody does it.
    Lastly comes the rather glaring fact that women from dysfunctional races prefer to marry white men.    Most prominent black women marry white men.   OT is not hard to figure out why that is.    Here in Australia, aboriginal women are 15 times more likely to either be murdered or end up in ICU than the women of any other race.    Black men have always been traditionally violent to their wives, spouses, or " bi- there's.

  • JoesephJoeseph 766 Pts   -  

    I think it's a fair point , humans notice differences and those differences can and are perceived positively or negatively normally if one is not deemed part of the group the perception is negative.

    As an Irishman most nearly every person on here ( majority Americans) have made the most vile vicious hate filled remarks about the Irish I can only imagine what it's like for one unfortunate enough to be  black in the US .

  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -   edited March 27
    i could care less if you think it is a leftist attitude. political parties are a human concept. Also if you had taken time to read the posts between bogan and i , the explanation of how it is inherent in everyone has been explained. Racism is but a word, and behind the word is the psychological aspects of it. Humans are and always been territorial. Ancient humans disliked differences and strangers, which is the beginning of racism. Differences in the same tribe could bring harmful mutations, in strangers, they brought disease, war, stole territory, Resorces , and so on. The only thing different today is that racism has evolved into different cultures and different reasoning. So regardless if racism is but a recent term, the roots go back to when humans began reasoning.  @ZeusAres42
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    Sic 'em, maxx.
  • maxx said:
    i could care less if you think it is a leftist attitude. political parties are a human concept. Also if you had taken time to read the posts between bogan and i , the explanation of how it is inherent in everyone has been explained. Racism is but a word, and behind the word is the psychological aspects of it. Humans are and always been territorial. Ancient humans disliked differences and strangers, which is the beginning of racism. Differences in the same tribe could bring harmful mutations, in strangers, they brought disease, war, stole territory, Resorces , and so on. The only thing different today is that racism has evolved into different cultures and different reasoning. So regardless if racism is but a recent term, the roots go back to when humans began reasoning.  @ZeusAres42


    That's tribalism; not racism. Tribalism involves strong loyalty and identification with one's own group, often leading to distrust or hostility towards outsiders. This inclination towards in-group favoritism and suspicion of outsiders can indeed be traced back to human evolutionary history, where group cohesion and cooperation were essential for survival.

    Racism, on the other hand, specifically involves prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against individuals or groups based on their race or ethnicity. While tribalism may contribute to the formation of racial biases, racism encompasses a broader range of attitudes and behaviors that are specifically targeted at individuals or groups based on racial characteristics.

    Big difference @maxx. And you even said it yourself; racism is but a word. I of course can't stop you from your language f*cking nonsense and if you so wish to conflate the two then that is your choice. Won't make it true though. 

  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    Racism is just another facet of in group/ out group hostility, and everyone is guilty of that.    It has been going on since the first proto human being tossed rocks at other proto human beings that were trespassing on their claimed territory.

    If racism was just about race, then why is it that "anti racist" legislation that supposedly protects one race from discrimination, always gets " mission creep" and always gets extended to include every religious, ethnic, and sexual group which the loony left pretends to be the protectors of?
  • ZeusAres42ZeusAres42 Emerald Premium Member 2773 Pts   -   edited March 27

    The looney left also states everyone is racist by default. Like what you are doing. You sure you not a far lefty? You and maxx definitely sound woke!

  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    No they do not.    The loony left never recognises their own racism towards white people.    Neither do they criticise the racism from race baiting, usually self appointed ," community leaders" like Al Sharpton.    Thete are plenty of sites on you tube where black activists claim that blacks can not be racist to whites.   Which, if you ever bothered to think about it, is racism.
  • @Bogan

    Ok, they claim all that all whites are racist by default. You and maxx claim all people are racist by default. However both claims are blanket statements that lack substance. The only thing that will change that is demonstrable empirical evidence.

  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    The is a debate sites, not a court of law.    If you insist that your opponents must provide irrefutable proof for every statement that they make, then two can play at that game.
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    Let's examine your shallow logic from another perspective,  Zeus.    At present, there are only two racist explanations to account for the indisputable fact that some ethnicities, regardless of which western society they abide in, are always dysfunctional.

    1.    It is all the white guys fault.

    2.    Races are different with different strengths or weaknesses caused by their genetic differences which came about from adapting to the environments which they evolved in.

    Now, which racist explanation do you support?     And if you claim that you are not racist, then submit another non racist explanaton to explain away this self evident reality.

    Don't forget,  you can't use a racist explanation or you will prove yourself wrong.
  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -   edited March 28
    You missed part of the logic. Tribalism is or was what todays idea of racisn began as. Every tribe had a hierarchy, and the leaders considered all below him as inferior.  Also,all strangers were considered a different people or race as the case may be. Do you realy believe that theer were no discrimination back then? Allow an easy example.  Humans and Neanderthals lived together for some time. Yes we may have breeded with some, however,  if some Neanderthal who for some reason,  hadto live among humans, i bet that he would given menial cores, denied decent food, snd looked down upon as inferior.  @ZeusAres42
  • @maxx

    No, I was highlighting the logical error in your post which was an equivocation fallacy among other things such as definist fallacies as well. Now back to the matter at hand - evidence. You posted many things here. So would you be able provide me with the actual link or links where there is evidence to suggest that everyone is born racist. Because as it stands this argument doesn't align with the contemporary research I have studied on this so far. 

  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    C'mon Zeus.    Don't dodge my crucial question.    If you claim that not everybody is racist, then here is your heaven sent chance to prove it.     This is your moment Zeus.    A chorus of singing angels is behind you.    Don't blow it by running away with your tail between your legs.   
  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -   edited March 29
    racism is or was not something that suddenly popped out of thin air. It is also not discrimination because another group is inferior; it is the "belief" that they are inferior. Look at the logic. Back of racism is discrimination of others because they are different than uis in some way or the other. These difference; now world wide, began in ancient humans as i have shown you in my previous reply. Surely you accept the fact that differences have been with humans since ancient times? I have also shown asto why these differences were shunned, avoided, and discriminated against. Do you disagree with as to what i wrote in my reply? Racism is based on fear of others because of these differences, fear of change, war, resources, beliefs, diseases, and many other problems associated with strangers. Anything that has been with humans for a million years is genetically passed on. Racism is a survival aspect, and today we just do not see it as such.  Survival of the species is passed on and anything that threatens it is passed on. As for links, as for the years i have been on this site, i find that people disregard them. Racism has evolved into what it is today, and if you ask as to why one is racist,  they will simply give reasons, not understanding that their reasoning is based on distrust, and differences.  Humans have had this fear of differences in others since they began to think. @ZeusAres42
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -  

    What you have failed to show is that racism is "inherent in all people". The fact that there exist incentives to be racist, or that it has been observed throughout history, does not imply that it is "inherent in all people". Consider something else that has been observed throughout history and for which there have been strong incentives: rape. Is, in your view, rape inherent in all people?

    I do not know how you feel, but I do not at all feel different about people of other races. Someone having a darker skin color than mine does not even register in my mind: this is just not something my social radar perceives as relevant to anything. Is, in your view, something broken in me, some essential biological mechanism missing? I would like to hear your explanation.

    I will add that projection is very common when discussing things like this. I remember Trevor Noah in conversation with a guest say, "When someone says that they do not see race, I do not believe them". To me that says a lot more about Trevor than those people he talks about.
  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -   edited March 29
    logic alone proves we are born racist. Or what passes behind the actual reasoning for it; which is distrust and fear of those who are different. You yourself would not accept someone into your house who suddenly showed up at your step, one is  culturally or biologically different than you. Difference in others is the root reason for racism. Not because of color, or creed, or beliefs, but the reason behind those excuses. You are simply looking at the topical aspect of racism, not the actual cause. Even young children who are suddenly exposed to someone completely different will get upset. You may claim differences in others do not matter to you, mainly because you are safe and snug in your own environment; however, rip that all away what do you have/ suppose you find yourself in a desert, and you see two groups. One group, who is very similar to your way of life; who appears to have the same values you have. the other group, is one who is completely different than you; by  appearance alone, they have different beliefs, different values and a different lifestyle. Now which group will you go to, to ensure safety? The one who seems familiar and similar. Am I not correct? As I told others, racism is but a word, and behind that word is excuses; but behind those excuses lay the under lying reason and it traces back to ancient humans. 
    . @MayCaesar
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -  
    maxx said:
    logic alone proves we are born racist. Or what passes behind the actual reasoning for it; which is distrust and fear of those who are different. You yourself would not accept someone into your house who suddenly showed up at your step, one is  culturally or biologically different than you. Difference in others is the root reason for racism. Not because of color, or creed, or beliefs, but the reason behind those excuses. You are simply looking at the topical aspect of racism, not the actual cause. Even young children who are suddenly exposed to someone completely different will get upset. You may claim differences in others do not matter to you, mainly because you are safe and snug in your own environment; however, rip that all away what do you have/ suppose you find yourself in a desert, and you see two groups. One group, who is very similar to your way of life; who appears to have the same values you have. the other group, is one who is completely different than you; by  appearance alone, they have different beliefs, different values and a different lifestyle. Now which group will you go to, to ensure safety? The one who seems familiar and similar. Am I not correct? As I told others, racism is but a word, and behind that word is excuses; but behind those excuses lay the under lying reason and it traces back to ancient humans. 
    . @MayCaesar
    Sure, I would not let a random person into my house. Me not letting them in also would not depend on their race. Well, okay, if it is an attractive Asian woman, then I might be a little more lenient. :p But I am not Asian, nor is my cultural background Asian, so I do not see how that squares with your claim.

    You are also wrong about me specifically: I am much more attracted to people who differ from me strongly, than those who are very similar to me. I prefer adventure over comfort, and there are biological reasons behind that as well: historically humans were nomads, seeking new lands full of untamed potential. Snuggling with their loved ones in the comfort of their home is a very recent phenomenon, and just 10,000 years ago nobody lived like that.

    I get where you are coming from, and there are some incentives to be wary of those who look different from you. I still fail to see how that supports your claim that "racism is inherent in all humans" though.
  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    i done explained it. The real reasons behind racism is fear and distrust in others, and those fears are passed on through human dna. Perhaps you are different, or at least think you are; however i still believe in my desert reasoning, in which you were lost, hungry and alone, you would instinctively head to the group who were as alike as you are instead of the group who is culturally different, with different morals and values. Also, if you took a 4 year old child who is lost and he sees the same group, he would also head to those who were as similar in appearance. Why would the child do so, if it was not instinctive?   @MayCaesar
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6146 Pts   -  

    Please address my actual points. This is not a monologue. You do not have to repeat your position multiple times: I understood it and replied to it. Now please reply to me.
  • maxx said:
    racism is or was not something that suddenly popped out of thin air. It is also not discrimination because another group is inferior; it is the "belief" that they are inferior. Look at the logic. Back of racism is discrimination of others because they are different than uis in some way or the other. These difference; now world wide, began in ancient humans as i have shown you in my previous reply. Surely you accept the fact that differences have been with humans since ancient times? I have also shown asto why these differences were shunned, avoided, and discriminated against. Do you disagree with as to what i wrote in my reply? Racism is based on fear of others because of these differences, fear of change, war, resources, beliefs, diseases, and many other problems associated with strangers. Anything that has been with humans for a million years is genetically passed on. Racism is a survival aspect, and today we just do not see it as such.  Survival of the species is passed on and anything that threatens it is passed on. As for links, as for the years i have been on this site, i find that people disregard them. Racism has evolved into what it is today, and if you ask as to why one is racist,  they will simply give reasons, not understanding that their reasoning is based on distrust, and differences.  Humans have had this fear of differences in others since they began to think. @ZeusAres42

    Most of the time, in fact, wrongly, racism is assumed as an element of natural or innate human behavior. It is, on the other hand, not a simple biological determination and does not fit at all into a simple evolutionary theory. While human history and psychology are pointing toward tendencies of in-group bias and out-group bias, it is by no means sufficient for explaining how such tendencies have translated into racially discriminating practices in complex and multifaceted societies around the world. It is not a fixed aspect of human nature that makes up today's racism, but rather a construct that is institutionally tediously developed and perpetuated tediously through social norms, cultural practices, and economic systems.

    This assertion that human biological occurrence is at the base of racism is an absolute ignoramus on the powerful role which cultural and social dynamics play in determining racial ideologies. As a matter of fact, scholars like Nell Irvin Painter, Ibram X. Kendi, and geneticists like Adam Rutherford, among others, have gone on to establish the fact that there is no basis, genetic or biological, for such kinds of differences among races. By contrast, historical and contemporary shifts in racial categorizations demonstrate that racial categories are fluid and arbitrarily determined constructs that illustrate fully the way in which power and social institutions engage in the construction and maintenance of racism.

    While evolutionary psychology brings into play human tendencies of tribalism, group preferences by themselves don't unequivocally lead, in the evolved basic cognitive faculties, to the complex racial hierarchies that are prevalent today. The leap from simple in-group preference to systemic racism is made by cultural evolution and social construction, not by biological determinism. The same is proved by works of such researchers as Henri Tajfel and Steven Pinker, which claim that even if humans are to have a certain tendency to label others within, explicit forms and expressions of racism are, to a great extent, a subject to be generated from social influences and historical contexts.

    Despite the enormous change in the social and political scene, it seems that racial ideologies have great resilience in adapting during their process of evolution to further maintain power hierarchies and systemic inequalities. This adaptability has reflected that the core structure of societies has definitely changed, and thus the idea that racism is unchangeable or something static within human societies is challenged. This provides further evidence of the difficulty in removing racism, since such disparities continue within societies that have gone through legal and political reform.

    These demonstrate, through the lens of history, human capacities to recognize, challenge, and change oppressive structures rather than being a part of human nature one cannot change—from abolition and suffrage to the civil rights movement and the breakdown of apartheid. These points underline the dynamic possibility and importance of collective social change in action to confront and overcome racism.

    The interplay between them, and the interrelationship of human tendencies with social construction and historical development, can never lose sight of the fight against racism. It, therefore, would require an approach that explains racism not only in its manifestations but points towards its psychological, cultural, and structural underpinnings. 



  • all4acttall4actt 318 Pts   -  
    I believe I did look it up and foundit to be coming from a far left propoganda paper.   I generally do before I make such a statement.  @maxx
  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    it makes little sense for you also have not address my issues aside from saying you understood it.  Also you will not acce3pt my links. I explained your main question on how it is inherent. @MayCaesar
  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    well, you can vote whom you want for. Just what part of leftist do you do not like; social programs for the poor, the general well being of people, helping kids and schools with money to help in education and sports?  what/@all4actt
  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    i never claimed it was biological, but rather a genetic mental application. One thing you really did not answer, from (excuse me if I am wrong) a computer generated reply, is do you really believe racism or what passed for it, did not exist in ancient humans, based upon my earlier post? @ZeusAres42
  • @maxx

    My message to you above answers your question if you care to read. It's very clear you haven't read it. If you had you would realise it addresses your previous post.

    You would also realise that it's not ai generated. In any case there are plenty of ai and plagerism checkers out there. So feel free to check that first before accusing me of doing that. Also preferably actually read what was said first too. 

  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -   edited March 30
    very well i would like you to look at this quick link; perhaps he explains it better than I do. The Origins of Racism ( also i did read the reply and it does not answer the question. Racism clearly existed in ancient humans; we simply did not call it that. discrimination, hatred to other tribes, slavery, distrust of other cultures based upon their beliefs, values and morals, were all prevalent in ancient times. How can you possibly deny that and how can you say that it is not racism? In other words, the reply did not explain how tribalism, which includes all the criterial that racism has, is not racism. If that is not the definition of racism, than I dont know what is!  If it walks and quacks like a duck, then it is a damn duck. @ZeusAres42

    di @ZeusAres42
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1128 Pts   -   edited March 30
    maxx said:
    well, you can vote whom you want for. Just what part of leftist do you do not like; social programs for the poor, the general well being of people, helping kids and schools with money to help in education and sports?  what/@all4actt
    Oh, oh, oh, can I answer this one?  I'll tell you what I don't like about leftism:

    1) it promotes racism - Leftism promotes Affirmative action and DEI policies which instead of judging a person based on their individual merits, favors or discriminates against them based on their race in admission, hiring, promotions, benefits, awarding scholarships, grants, contracts, or awards.  This dehumanizes the individual and makes them nothing but an automaton that is reduced to just their race.  This is a perversion of justice.  True justice is about rewarding or punishing someone based on their actions and merit, not their racial group.  So, I hate leftism because its racist.

    2) Leftism cares for its financial supporters, not children.  We all know why teacher's unions, and Democrats who get lots of money from teacher's unions, oppose school choice, but just how does it help that poor Black child trapped in a failed public school?  She deserves a good education NOW.  Democrats want to say 'just give us more money and will fix the problem'.  The reality is that they said that last election, and more money was given, and the election before that, and the election before that.  In fact they have said that for at least 75+ years, and many of the same schools that are bad today, were bad back then also.  Just how many centuries does a child need to wait to get a good education?  Apparently, for leftists the answer is 'forever'.  So, I hate leftism because it is racist - again.

    3) Leftism ignores the interests of the weak.  Leftists largely are pro-baby killing.  They believe it is OK to kill an innocent human life.  They do not give that unborn child a voice for her choice in the matter.  Instead, they ignore the interests of the weakest and most vulnerable among us.  And then have the audacity to say that their baby killing is good baby killing.  So I hate leftism  because it kills the innocent.

    4)  Leftism hurts the poor.  According to Obama's Civil Rights Commission on Illegal Immigration, illegal labor costs poor Black workers between $1,000 - $2,000 a year in reduced wages.  Leftists tore down Trump's wall and fought to keep states from enforcing immigration laws.  This hurts poor Black workers the most.  Yet, leftists don't care about them. 

    Further, leftists support minimum wage hikes which are shown to reduce the jobs, hours and benefits of low skilled workers.  Even though the vast bulk of research shows this to be true, leftists are committed to hurting the poor. 

    But wait, they aren't done hurting poor people, in States like California, they create massive amounts of laws which make building homes more expensive or impractical.  That's why housing in California is 97% more expensive than other states.  1/5th of the homeless are living in the state with the most laws preventing homes from being built. 

    But wait, there are more attacks on the poor.  Leftists push climate change rules which cost the poor greatly, but which will have little impact on the global temperature.  For example if we had zero CO2 emissions today, the global temperature abatement from its expected increase would be negligible.  From Heritage:

    Using the same climate sensitivity (the warming effect of a doubling of carbon dioxide emissions) as the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assumes in its modeling, the world would be only 0.137 degree Celsius cooler by 2100. Even if we assumed every other industrialized country would be equally on board, this would merely avert warming by 0.278 degree Celsius by the turn of the century. 

    Yet, leftists have pushed laws which have increased energy costs substantially, and in return increased the costs of everything that uses transportation and energy.  The net result is that it costs $700 more a month for the average person to buy the same things they did under Trump.

    The cost of an EV car is on average $20,000 more than a gas powered car and according to the most recent statistics - it will cost more to power it than it would a gas powered car.  So, I hate leftists because they hate the poor.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 949 Pts   -  

    The far lefts motto has always been an "ends justifies the means" approach on forcing their ideology on everyone. Thinking they know best with complete indifference to the types of betrayal you've listed in your post. That's what makes me dislike and distrust them. Ideology is more important than humane solutions.
  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -   edited March 30
    I gotta ask, so you think trump is a leftist? After all he has shown clearly, on live television he is a racist. Also, do you really believe that trump is helping the poor black people? Heck he doesnt even loke legal immigrants. Where are the social programs trump has created to help the poor, down trodden unskilled workers?  One can go on forever on the listing of both the good and bad in presidential activity, every one does both good and bad. However it is unfortunate that many ignore the good in some, simply because of a political party. FACT SHEET: Celebrating President Obama’s Top 10 Actions to Advance Entrepreneurship, and Announcing New Steps to Build on These Successes | (  @just_sayin ; I'm just saying....
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

    Go get him, just-sayin!    Sick'em, fang!

    Here is a Youtube vid to aid your argument.     "Detroit School Board Boss is Illiterate."     

  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1128 Pts   -  
    maxx said:
    I gotta ask, so you think trump is a leftist? After all he has shown clearly, on live television he is a racist. Also, do you really believe that trump is helping the poor black people? Heck he doesnt even loke legal immigrants. Where are the social programs trump has created to help the poor, down trodden unskilled workers?  One can go on forever on the listing of both the good and bad in presidential activity, every one does both good and bad. However it is unfortunate that many ignore the good in some, simply because of a political party. FACT SHEET: Celebrating President Obama’s Top 10 Actions to Advance Entrepreneurship, and Announcing New Steps to Build on These Successes | (  @just_sayin ; I'm just saying....
    I think the left wants to paint Trump as a racist, like when they tried to falsely accuse him of saying white nationalists were very fine people.  You asked about Trump's record on helping Black people, let me respond:

    1)  While Obama and Biden fought to shut down the only federal school voucher program in the US (DC), Trump fought to expand school vouchers throughout the US.  69% of all school vouchers go to minority poor kids.  Who benefits from kids getting to go to good schools?  Not leftists or the teacher unions who support them, but Black families do.

    2) Trump fought to expand the amount of grants going to HBCUs and forgive them for massive debt - something Obama-Biden refused to do.  He increased funding to HBCU by 14%. He forgave 300 million in debt at HCBUs.  

    3) Trump created empowerment zones where a Black business owner could more easily create or expand his business.  This was not allowed by Obama-Biden.

    4) Trump's policies lowered the unemployment of Black workers to record lows.  Obama didn't do that.  Trump created 1.4 million Black jobs - before COVID hit.  

    5) Trump fought against illegal labor which disproportionately reduces the wages of Black workers and makes it harder for them to negotiate higher wages.  Biden proverbially spat in the face of every Black worker in America.

    6) Trump pushed through the First Step act which reduced the mandatory sentences of non-violent drug crimes.  90 percent of the people helped were Black.  In contrast Democrats fought to defund the police and for no bail for violent offenders making Black neighborhoods more violent and resulting in a huge surge of Black deaths.  

    Biden gave poor Black people's jobs to illegal workers.  He kept poor Black children chained to bad public schools.  He pushed DEI policies that falsely teach Black children that they can't get ahead because of the white man and that their personal effort and choices mean nothing but are just a lie of the white man.  Biden's support of no bail policies and low regard of police increased violent crime in Black neighborhoods.  

    Biden's evil behavior gets a pass from many in the media  For example, Biden tried to alter a Trump policy where schools had to record if a teacher or administrator had engaged in sexual misconduct with a student.  Think about that for a moment.  Why shouldn't that information be counted and reported to the DOE?  We all see how that helps teacher unions trying to cover up the 15,000 or so instances of sexual misconduct by educators in the public school a year, but how does it help the children?  Fortunately, conservative made such a big deal about it, Biden backed down.  However, the media didn't seem interested in why he was protecting pedophiles in the first place.
  • all4acttall4actt 318 Pts   -  
    Well I guess I don't need to respond to @maxx. Not exactly how I would have put it but it makes many of the points that I would. Good job. I guess if Maxx wants to hear what I have to say he can ask me again. @just_sayin
  • all4acttall4actt 318 Pts   -  
    What news are you watching and reading? Are you sticking to the propoganda media? You know the ones who take a clip of something Trump says and makes it sound nefarious while leaving out the entire speech which is exactly the opposite of what they are saying?

    Why would you even think he had a problem with legal immigrants when he is married to one.

    You really need to start to doing your own fact checking instead of believing everything you read through the propogandized media circus.

    It really frustrates me when people like you who can't or won't take the time to try and get to the whole truth of matters.  You just take the word of what the legacy media's says and wants you to think.

  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -   edited March 31
    again i said, all presidents do both good and bad. Your problem is that you only absorb the god in trump and deny the bad he has done, because of nothing more than a political party. and i did not ask what good trum has done, I asked about his ""social"" programs which means for schools, food for the poor, free medical care, and so on. apparently he is not for any of that. Did truimp do any of that list that obama did?   no. Did obama doo any of the list that trump did? no. Like i said, you can only see the good in your trump and never can believe he can do wrong.  @just_sayin
  • maxxmaxx 1146 Pts   -  
    no, this was back when he was still running, and on LIVE tv. It was not cut. Sorry if you can not  believe it, but you among others, only see the good in your choice of president and pretend he can do no bad, regardless of any evidence. @all4actt
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    I often hear this refrain from leftists that somehow, President Trump is an inherently evil person.      I do not know the guy personally, and I am not up with the latest US gossip, but as an Australian, I would like to make my own observation about his character.     

    The most outstanding feature of President Trump is that he acts like a leader who is in control.  .     Even though he now has 91 trumped up charges levelled against him by a corrupt US Justice system, which could conceivably land him in jail for 700 years and take all of his considerable assets, he acts completely cool, and he exudes confidence.      This is exactly what people look for in a leader.  A person who never loses his cool when the world turns upside down.    Leaders like that have always inspired their people, especially when things go south.  
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
    And maxx just can't understand why Trump is going to win the next Presidential election?   
  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  

  • BoganBogan 454 Pts   -  
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